How to Have Bluetooth and VT100

Chris DavisSetup

The Altair-duino Pro kit, and the upgrade to the Pro version typically requires you to give up Bluetooth to have the VT100 emulator (both use pins 18/19 for a serial connection.) If you want to have both, it is possible, but it’s going to require some careful soldering. If you have the version 1.4 or 1.5 main circuit board (version … Read More

USB Keyboards Verified with VT100 Emulator

Chris DavisSetup

(Keyboards in this article will also work with the OpenAC1.) You probably know that the original Altair 8800 did not have a VGA monitor port and a USB keyboard input, as it appeared decades before that technology existed. You were expected to connect it to a serial terminal. My Pro kit includes a built-in VT100 Emulator to make it easier … Read More